Business Name Registration - Partnership
A partnership is created when 2 or more individuals, or 2 or more corporations, do business together as partners. All partners share in the profits and the risks or debts of the business.
Registering a partnership does not grant any right of ownership of the business name or prevent others from operating a business using the exact same name. However it does provide proof that the business owner(s) operates the business under this trade name from a certain date.
Registering a partnership does not grant any right of ownership of the business name or prevent others from operating a business using the exact same name. However it does provide proof that the business owner(s) operates the business under this trade name from a certain date.
How to register your partnership in Alberta
Registering a partnership is a simple process and will take only about 10-15 minutes of your time.
- Complete the Declaration of Partnership form
- Complete the online registration form below and attach one government issued photo identification (E.g. Driver's licence, Passport)
- The cost for registration is $60.00. An electronic invoice will be emailed to you after your submission. The registration will be processed in 1-2 business days.